Transfers & Updates:
High Priority!
It is very important that our files are kept up-to-date with owner's contact information. Kryo Kinetics USA LLC will receive several contacts each month from people who have acquired a horse that has a freeze mark and have no information on the horse. Many of these horses have been sold at an auction or rescued from an unhealthy situation. We make every attempt to try and locate the owners that we have in our database. However, many times the owners have relocated and we can't find them. Other situations also include horse owners who have passed away and we can't locate the person in charge of their estate. If the horse has not been transferred or the information undated with Kryo Kinetics USA LLC, just like the breed registries, state brand registries, or even the title on a car, the person on records is still the legal owner of the horse in question. If you have a horse with the Alpha-Angel Freeze Mark, please contact us so we can update your horse's file with your current information.
Transfer of Ownership:
When a horse is sold you will need to contact Kryo Kinetics USA, so we can email you the forms: If The Horse Is Sold I and If The Horse Is Sold II. These forms will be completed by both the Seller and the Buyer.
Up-date Information:
If you have moved, any of your contact information has changed, and/or your name has changed, or the horse has died, please contact us so we can send you the following form: KKUSA Up-date Information Form III